Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn is a deputy managing editor for Consensus Magazine, where he helps produce monthly editorial packages and the opinion section. He also writes a daily news rundown and twice weekly column for The Node newsletter. He first appeared in print in Financial Planning, a trade publication magazine. Before journalism, he studied philosophy as an undergrad, English literature in graduate school and business and economic reporting at an NYU professional program. You can connect with him on Twitter and Telegram @danielgkuhn or find him on Urbit as ~dorrys-lonreb. He owns minor amounts of BTC and ETH.



Japanese Manufacturers Enter Blockchain-Backed Data Sharing Arrangement
Overseen by the Industrial Value Chain Initiative, the blockchain project will connect 100 Japanese manufacturers to share information.
$200,000 in Bitcoin Seized in Dark Net Drug Probe
In total, authorities seized 20 kilograms of MDMA, over seven kilograms of Ketamine, over 10,000 Xanax pills, and more than $100,000 in cash.
CFTC Lawsuit Alleges $147 Million in Bitcoin Defrauded From Trading Scheme Investors
22,858.822 bitcoin were misappropriated under Control-Finance's Ponzi-like scheme.
New Research Targets a Big Worry for Some Blockchains: Double-Spent Transactions
A recent research paper outlines a possible way to detect and punish double-spending on a blockchain network.
Facebook's New Crypto Faces Scrutiny From European Authorities
“It is out of question’’ that Facebook's Libra be allowed to “become a sovereign currency,” says France's finance minister.
Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao
Binance to Launch Bitcoin-Pegged Token on Its Own Blockchain
Binance will issue a number of tokens pegged to leading cryptocurrencies on Binance Chain to boost the number of trading options on its platform.
Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao
70% of Crypto Exchanges Have Complied With CoinMarketCap's Transparency Initiative
Crypto data provider CoinMarketCap says most listed exchanges have complied with its transparency-boosting mandatory data requests.
Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenshein
Bitcoin Is Hedge Against Global Liquidity Crises: Grayscale Study
Bitcoin has a distinct set of properties unlike any other asset, argues the world's largest cryptocurrency asset manager.
Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenshein
Algorand cropped
Algorand, a Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Company, Goes Open Source
The Flipside Crypto partnership will provide a free user engagement analytics suite.
Algorand cropped
Credit: Shutterstock
Breez Reveals Lightning-Powered Bitcoin Payments App for iPhone
Now in beta for the iPhone, Breez's app harnesses lighting, Neutrino and atomic swaps to make bitcoin P2P payments feasible for daily transactions.
Credit: Shutterstock